To put an end to misunderstandings or partial information. Homelinks allows you to sort, order and file your communications for easy use.
Keep in touch with your local relays and encourage full participation. Homelinks offers a range of services to unlock the potential of a group
Whether it is for an emergency, a news or a consultation. Homelinks opens the residence on more transparency and responsiveness on all subjects
Homelinks finds effective solutions for the building
and puts confidence at the centre of interchange
» My biggest problem is that I run after time, which means I’m often unable to respond to all requests within a reasonable time frame. How do I automate my repetitive tasks and keep in touch with the field? «
» Convincing a town hall to give me its land is not easy because you have to stand out from the competition. How can I guarantee the best integration of new occupants in the neighbourhood that will qualify my file? «
» As a social innovator, I must remain at the forefront of novelty while including as many people as possible. What are my options for hearing everyone and offering an innovative service to all? «
» My clients who manage buildings are overwhelmed and cannot always give me the best information about the interventions to be carried out. What is the solution to best prepare my work and keep in touch with both my clients and occupants? «
» Municipal buildings are demanding regular maintenance, and my service is crumbling with requests from all sides without a practical way to prioritize interventions. How do I respond quickly to my internal clients and organize my service? «

» As an occupier or lessor of my lot, I really spend a lot of time on the phone and sending e-mails with my manager or tenant. But I wonder why I have to keep relaunching? «

Co-ownership council
» Representing the property owners, there are times when direct contact with the manager slows down exchanges. A single platform to bridge the gap between the parties would help us be more efficient. «

» Everyone is asking for a hand, but if I serve everyone, then I won’t have the time to do my job. I need a solution to order my priorities. «

» Having spent more than 7 hours a day in the building, I know all the needs for improvement, but I don’t have the simple way to help those in charge. How can we contact them for the good of life in the building? «

« A water leak damaged my wallpaper, but my landlord told me I couldn’t reach the building manager and in the meantime, I can’t start repairs in my living room. Without hearing news soon, I feel like leaving my lot. «

We are ready to welcome your building

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» You provide us with solutions for very qualitative projects (community management for co-owners, offers to our customers beyond our mission of property manager, etc.) on which we have worked hard without finding an adequate solution to date. »
ManagerProperty management for 50 years
» My fifteen years of experience in digital technologies taught me only one thing, the value of a company is the use of its services by individuals. The HomeLinks service is unique, it corresponds to everyone’s needs. Homelinks should quickly succeed in France »
Alexandre BarbéSenior Commercial Director / MD deputy MediaMath
Coordinate, share and connect for everyone living under one same building roof @homelinks_eu comes with a brand new perspective#LCH #socialhousing#innovation
Etienne VendevilleManager Wavestone

Estate administrators,
Social landlords,
Land developers,
Property Managers,
Property portfolio managers,
and Service providers
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